Lauki/Ghiya Recipes

इस व्यंजन को हिन्दी में पढ़ें

Lauki, Ghiya, Kaddu, Doodhi, Bottle Gourd and here in America it is also called Squash. One vegetable and so many different names.  Lauki contains about 96% water. It is rich in dietary fibers and is also a good source of vitamin B and contains iron as well. Lauki is one of the lightest vegetables and is easy to digest. Lauki is an integral part of Satvik food. The holy month Sawan is going on and we often eat light food in this auspicious month. Lauki is an integral part of Satvik meals.

lauki platter

Lauki can be easily find all over India. Outsiude India it can be ffound in Indian stores and in some Chinese/Asian stores. If you do not find lauki in your part of the world grow them at home. Lauki is a fast-growing tropical climber, so it loves heat. It belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae like bitter gourd, pumpkin, cucumber etc. Lauki loves the heat and growing well in our Texas kitchen garden. I keep using it in my recipes.

Read about growing Lauki at home!

Read about some easy, healthy and delicious ways to use lauki in your cuisine. You can also make these dishes with raw green pumpkin(seetaphal), torai, and also zucchini.

homegrown lauki

There are plenty of dishes made out of Lauki. This is a vegetable whichi is naomally eaten during the fasting days as well. I have separated the lauki recipes to make your search easier.

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