इस व्यंजन को हिन्दी में पढ़ें
Dahi (दही) is a Hindi word for yogurt or curd. It is one of the best sources of calcium and is also rich in protein. In India, in many households yogurt is made fresh everyday. Dahi ke Aloo or Potatoes in Yogurt is an easy to make yummy preparation. It is also prepared during fasting days. Yogurt is a good coolant and helps in the digestion of other fasting preparations made out of buckwheat or singhara(water chest nut) flour.
In this preparation you can use black pepper, red chili powder or green chilies for fasting. Please check with your elders in the family about the chilies allowed in your family. Try this quick potato-and-yogurt delicacy and do share your valuable comments. Happy cooking, Shuchi
Cucumbers are available all around the year and they are coolant, delicious and healthy. Cucumber is usually eaten in most of the families in fast days.In this recipe, cucumber is paired with potato which is high in carbohydrate, and it also has peanuts which is good source of protein....
Singhara, also known as water chestnut, is rich in carbohydrate, starch , vitamin B6, riboflavin etc. In India they are eaten raw as a fruit, and also boiled. Therte are plenty of delicacies made out og Singhara flour. Singharas are most commonly used in delicacies made for fasting days. This is a low calorie delicacy of Singhara flour...