Chutney ke aloo is a very popular chaat from Kanpur city. Chutney ke aloo is a spicy and delicious chaat which is very easy to make. In this chaat small/baby boiled potatoes are soaked in spicy coriander chutney - that's all it is, it sounds so simple; yet it is very pungent and yummy. In India, usually in winter time, markets are flooded with a whole fresh lot of vegetables, roots, tubers, and greens. That’s the time when small, new potatoes are easily available. So if you find new potatoes in your part of world, use them if not use some other variety of potato. Enjoy this spicy street food from Kanpur, and please don’t forget to share your valuable comments. Happy cooking, Shuchi
In Hindi aloo means potato and tikkie means a flat ball or cutlet like thing. So it is a boiled potato cutlet. Usually aloo tikkies are shallow fried and served with tamarind chutney, yogurt, and crispies....
Lobiya is also known as black eyed beans or black eyed peas and is a good source of potassium, magnesium and calcium. It is rich in soluble fibers and is a good source of protein and vitamins. ....
Noorani Seekh Kebab is a low-fat, easy to make starter. Traditionally Kebabs are associated with meat, but this is a vegetarian delicacy from Lucknow....
Samosas are the evergreen and popular deep fried Indian snack known all over the world. These are triangular shaped patties stuffed with spicy potatoes. They can be served with tamarind and green chutney....