Chutney ke Aloo recipe
Baby Potatoes with Green Chutney

इस व्यंजन को हिन्दी में पढ़ें

Chutney ke aloo is a very popular chaat from Kanpur city. Chutney ke aloo is a spicy and delicious chaat which is very easy to make. In this chaat small/baby boiled potatoes are soaked in spicy coriander chutney - that's all it is, it sounds so simple; yet it is very pungent and yummy. In India, usually in winter time, markets are flooded with a whole fresh lot of vegetables, roots, tubers, and greens. That’s the time when small, new potatoes are easily available. So if you find new potatoes in your part of world, use them if not use some other variety of potato. Enjoy this spicy street food from Kanpur, and please don’t forget to share your valuable comments. Happy cooking, Shuchi

chutney ke aloo
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 0 minutes
Approximately 125 calories each serving

Ingredients for Coriander/Cilantro chutney

  • Coriander leaves 100 gms/about 2 cups
  • Green chilles 4-5
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Dry mango powder ½ tsp
  • Lemon juice 2-4 tsp

Other Ingredients (serves 4)

  • Small baby potatoes 500 gms

Method of preparation

  1. Remove the thick stems of the coriander leaves and wash them thoroughly. Remove only thick and hard stems and keep the soft and young stems.
  2. Cut the coriander leaves roughly.
  3. Remove the stem of green chillies and wash them.
  4. In a blender take coriander leaves, green chillies, salt, and mango powder. Add 2-3 tbsp water and grind the chutney into a fine paste.
  5. Add lemon juice and mix well.
  6. Chutney is ready. Transfer the chutney in a glass bowl.
coriander chutney
  1. Boil the potatoes. Let them cool down. Now peel the potatoes and cut them into halves horizontally.
  2. Remove the stem of the green chilies and then wash and finely chop them.
  3. In a big, glass bowl take the coriander chutney, salt, chopped green chili, chaat masala, lemon juice, and yogurt. Mix all of the ingredients well.
  4. Add potatoes. Mix with chutney thoroughly .
  5. Taste and adjust the salt and lemon juice. Chutney ke aloo are ready to serve.
  6. This is a quick and very delicious chaat recipe. Enjoy this hot delicacy from Kanpur in cold winter afternoons.
chutney ke aloo

Some Tips and Suggestions

  1. You can increase or decrease the amount of green chilies as per taste.
  2. You can also add about 2 tbsp of yogurt/curds(dahi) to chutney. Yogurt gives a nice light green color to the chutney.
  3. A punjabi friend who is also from Kanpur loves very spicy food so she adds chopped green chilies to the chutney ke aloo to make it super spicy. The choice is yours!
chutney ke aloo

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