इस व्यंजन को हिन्दी में पढ़ें
Lime/ lemons are very good source of vitamin C. This recipe is for a perfect zero fat pickle. This sweet and sour lime pickle is delicious, can be served with any meal, and also tastes very good with mathri and other snacks. It is also a very good digestive..
This is not an instant pickle. Older pickle is always better. The more you keep it under the sun, the faster the pickle gets ready. Usually this sweet and sour pickle gets ready in 2-3 months. Serve with any meal. This zero fat pickle goes with everything.
This pickle can be kept for years.
Had is a wholesome spice. I do not know any English name for this spice... Had is considered as a very good digestive and is also used in some Ayurvedic medicines for curing stomach ailments.
Some more Chutneys and Pickles