Strawberry Shake

इस व्यंजन को हिन्दी में पढ़ें

Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C and also are a good source of Folic acid, Iron, potassium and magnesium. With milk straberries make a perfect shake. The amount of sugar can be increased and decreased depending on the sweetness of the strawberries. In spring/summers we have fresh homegrown strawberries, and they are very sweet so I use a very little sugar. Enjoy this delicious and nutritious strawberry shake. Keep trying new recipes and please do share your comments. Happy cooking, Shuchi

strawberry shake
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 0 minutes
Approximately 140 calories in each serving

Ingredients (Makes 4 servings)

  • 2½ cups chilled Milk 
  • 250-300 gms/about ½ pound strawberries
  • 4 tbsp sugar (add more as per taste)

Method of preparation:

  1. Keep milk in the freezer for 30 minutes to chill the milk.
  2. Remove the green petals and stem of the strawberries and wash them thoroughly. Cut strawberries into half.
  3. In the blender, take strawberries, sugar and ½ cup of chilled milk and blend everything together till the straberries are blended well.
  4. Add rest of the milk (about 2 cups) and blend again till all the ingredients are mixed well.
  5. Delicious and nutritious strawberry shake is ready.
strawberry shake

Some Tips/ Suggestions:

  1. Instead of Ice I have used chilled milk to make frothy and rich strawberry shake. Keep the milk in the freezer for 30 minutes to chill it. Blend chilled milk with strawberries.
  2. Increase or decrease the amount of sugar as per taset.
  3. You can easily grow strawberries at home. Strawberries are perennials and they come back year after years. Read about kitchen gardening.
homegrown strawberries
home grown strawberries

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